the precieved wall comes down.

Growing up I heard a lot about how much Jews and Muslims hate each other kinda like Lutherans and Catholics or maybe Protestants and Anabaptist, I heard about how it all started with Issac and Ishmael and I wondered even as a kid, “doesn’t God call us to love each other”.  I read BBC in the morning cause I like it and it gives me a global perspective, but i came across this article that fascinated me.  In attempts not to ruin it for those that are going to click the link below and read it I’ll sum it up.  A Mosque was attacked by a radical group of Jews who burned a carpet and a bunch of Korans and wrote in Hebrew “Mosques, we burn.”  A Prominent Rabbi came to the Mosque and gave the Imam new Korans.  In a media driven world that is saturated with Koran burning pastor, anger against a mosque being built near ground Zero, I found this article interesting.  I am impressed with the Guts that this religious figure in Israel showed,  I am sure that he has been labeled traitor by some, or Liberal by others but I think He is doing something that is deeper and tells more Truth about the God He worships than most I have come to know.  To Love thy neighbor is the greatest call for Christians.  Jesus says the greatest commandment is to Love God and Others, i believe even when we disagree with that person at the core of who they are we are still called to love.   I would love to get some feedback and thoughts about this from my peeps.  If a Rabbi can walk into a Mosque and give the gift of love to a brother then what kind of love are we capable of?

grace and peace

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